Enel Starts Commissioning 93 Mw Of Solar in Australia

Italian energy company Enel says the commissioning of the 93 MW Girgarre Solar Farm in Australia is now underwayItalian energy company Enel says the commissioning of the 93 MW Girgarre Solar Farm in Australia is now underway.
PV Magazine International 12:09 pm on May 13, 2024

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Enel has commenced the commissioning of its 93 MW Girgarre Solar Farm in Australia, expected to be fully operational early next year. This power plant is supported by a PPA with SmartestEnerg and will produce approximately 200 GWh annually. The farm was officially launched in September 2021 and started commissioning after nearly completing its installation of around 17,000 solar panels supplied by Longi Solar at the end of May 2023.

  • Enel Australia's Girgarre Solar Farm undergoes commencement.
  • Power plant will operate in early next year, supplying SmartestEnerg with ~200GWh annually.
  • 93 MW project supports 17,000 Longi panels installation.
  • Launched September 2021 and initiated commissioning process in May 2023.
  • Enel's global entry into Australian market began in 2017, now with three projects.
The appropriate categories are: - Renewable policy and incentives - Solar

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