Midea Unveils Outdoor Residential Heat Pump

Midea says its new outdoor residential Evox G3 Heat Pump ranges in size from 1Midea says its new outdoor residential Evox G3 Heat Pump ranges in size from 1.
PV Magazine International 12:09 pm on May 13, 2024

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Midea introduces the Evox G3 Heat Pump, a 1.5 to 5-ton outdoor residential unit with COP 1.8 and A2L refrigerant for efficient heating/cooling in all climates. The model integrates vapor injection technology, enhancing performance down to -30C and offers up to 19 SEER cooling efficiency compared to standard 14.3 SEER systems.

  • New Evox G3 Heat Pump:
  • Suitable for all climate conditions with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) up to 1.8.
  • Utilizes A2L refrigerant and vapor injection technology.
  • Capable of heating output down to -30C, ensuring year-round comfort.
  • Covers cooling efficiency up to 19 SEER, improving energy savings by over 32.5% compared to conventional systems.


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