Bike Shop Shifts from Fluorescent to Led Lights

After 20 years working for the State, Eric Clough envisioned starting a bike shop on the…
Energy Trust Blog 12:10 pm on May 13, 2024

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Eric Clough transitioned from working for the ODOT to founding a bike shop, Front Street Community Bike Works in Coos Bay, Oregon. After renovating and lighting upgrades were delayed due to old fluorescent tubes, he utilized Energy Trust of Oregon's small business lighting incentives, leading to LED replacements that improved the shop environment and reduced energy consumption.

  • Entrepreneurship Transition: Eric Clough left ODOT for bike shop venture.
  • Shop Renovation: The Coos Bay location required extensive renovations and lighting improvements.
  • Energy Incentives Utilization: Eric leveraged Energy Trust's incentives to upgrade shop lights to LED, enhancing workspace conditions.
  • Environmental Impact: The switch to LED lighting resulted in lower energy usage and a reduced carbon footprint for the business.
  • Community Contribution: Front Street Community Bike Works became an integral part of Coos Bay's sustainability plans, including promoting non-motorized transportation.

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