Elon Musk Is Putting Tesla All in on Robotaxi

Riding the AI wave, Elon Musk is betting Tesla’s business on its self-driving effort, including Robotaxi, at the cost of...
Electrek 7:45 pm on April 16, 2024

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Elon Musk is prioritizing Tesla's self-driving initiative, including Robotaxi, over other programs. This decision comes despite Tesla's success in selling electric vehicles, particularly the Model Y, and plans for next-generation vehicles using a new manufacturing method. Musk announced that Tesla will invest several billions of dollars on NVIDIA compute power this year to advance its self-driving system. The postponement of a cheaper model means Tesla could experience minimal growth for at least three years if it fails to achieve self-driving capabilities.

  • Elon Musk is focusing Tesla's business on self-driving cars, specifically Robotaxi.
  • Tesla has been successful in selling electric vehicles but is postponing plans for a cheaper model.
  • Tesla aims to invest several billions of dollars on NVIDIA compute power to advance its self-driving system.
  • Robotaxi's success is crucial for Tesla's growth, as the company lacks another significant car program for years without it.
  • Musk threatened Tesla shareholders that he would not build AI products at Tesla if he didn't have a majority stake in the company.


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