Seneca Environmental Gets Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy Distinction

Seneca Environmental has been selected as the first Preferred Provider for theĀ Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy,
Solar Builder Magazine 7:45 pm on April 16, 2024

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The Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy has named Seneca Environmental as its first Preferred Provider, a distinction given to highly qualified and ethical renewable energy developers and service providers committed to cultural preservation. Seneca Environmental is the energy solutions division of Seneca Holdings, wholly owned by the Seneca Nation. The company's strong technical expertise and dedication to building trusted relationships with tribes have made it an ideal partner for Native communities. With at least 60 GW of solar potential and 1 GW of wind potential on Native land, and billions of dollars in funding available for tribal renewable energy projects, the Alliance's Preferred Provider Program helps bridge the capacity gap by serving as a liaison between renewable energy companies and tribes.

  • Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy designates Seneca Environmental as first Preferred Provider
  • Seneca Environmental is wholly owned by the Seneca Nation, ideally positioned to work with Native communities
  • At least 60 GW of solar potential and 1 GW of wind potential on Native land; billions in funding for tribal renewable energy projects
  • Alliance's Preferred Provider Program serves as liaison between renewable energy companies and tribes
  • Seneca Environmental commits to cultural preservation, building capacity across Indian Country

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