Vermont Dairy Farms Find a Cash Crop in Community Solar

Vermont is a state known for its rolling green hills spotted with dairy cows. The dairy industry generates over $2Vermont is a state known for its rolling green hills spotted with dairy cows. The dairy industry generates over $2.
Solar Power World 9:08 pm on May 6, 2024

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Diverse Vermont farms embrace community solar for profit, energy efficiency: The Newbury and Jamaica projects are two completed off-site solar installations by Norwich Solar that supply over 100 kWh annually to local dairy farms. This innovative use of land promotes renewable energy growth while supporting local economies, showcasing community-oriented rural development initiatives with sustainable energy implications for marketers and SEO practitioners in the clean tech sector.

  • Renewable Energy Growth: Community solar projects promote growth in renewable energy.
  • Local Economy Support: Dairy farms receive annual power from these solar installations, fostering community development.
  • SEO Opportunities: Such initiatives provide a rich content area for marketers and SEO practitioners in the green tech niche.
  • Rural Development Innovation: This trend exemplifies rural innovation through sustainable energy solutions.
  • Sustainability Focus: These projects align with broader environmental goals and can drive brand alignment on eco-friendly practices.

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