Chinese Academy Of Sciences Presents New Way to Assess Hjt Solar Modules

Researchers in China have developed a model to predict lifetimes of heterojunction (HJT) modules made with ultraviolet
PV Magazine International 5:40 pm on May 20, 2024

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On May 2, 2024, the Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced a novel predictive model for estimating the lifetimes of heterojunction solar modules made with ultraviolet cut-off POE encapsulants. Researchers considered factors like temperature, humidity, and UV exposure. Results indicated that UVC-encapsulated panels have longer lifespans across various regions due to UV protection; further DH tests on mini-modules showed potential over 30 years of operation in specific climates.

  • New Lifetime Estimation Model: Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced a predictive model considering temperature, humidity and UV for heterojunction solar module lifespan.
  • Encapsulation Impact: Ultraviolet cut-off POE encapsulants improve the lifespans of heterojunction modules across various climates.
  • Research Methodology: The model's efficacy was validated through DH tests on mini modules, predicting more than 30 years in optimal conditions.
  • Potential Longer Operations: Certain regions showed promising results with extended module lifespans of over 30 years.
  • Research Publication: Findings were published in "Predicting the lifetime of HJT modules towards outdoor real-world environments."

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