Australian Rooftop Pv Market Faces Price Squeeze As Sales Slow

Rooftop PV is the fourth-largest source of electricity generation in Australia, providing about 11% of the country's
PV Magazine International 5:40 pm on May 20, 2024

The Australian rooftop PV market faces challenges due to a decrease in wholesale panel prices and a slowdown in installation rates, despite an increase in larger system sizes. Lead volumes are declining, sales conversion rates are falling, retailers face reduced revenues amid rising labor costs, but residential battery installations provide some relief.

  • Rooftop PV Market Challenges:
  • Wholesale panel prices decreased from AUD $0.60 to AUD $0.30, affecting profit margins.
  • Installation rates and lead volumes are slowing down, impacting retail revenue.
  • Despite increasing system sizes, retailers earn less per installation; however, residential battery installations are on the rise.
  • Retailers delivering both PV and batteries face lower revenues than previous years.

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