India, Australia Sign Deal to Secure Supply Chains

Economic cooperation between India and Australia may open doors for investment in clean energy technology, but
PV Magazine International 5:40 pm on May 20, 2024

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The text discusses the Future Made in Australia Agreement (FMAA), highlighting its importance for clean energy goals, collaboration on mining technology between Indian and Australian firms, and capital interventions involving public finance. This includes grants for R&D, leveraging existing funds like PLI and FMAA Act funds, technical collaborations, creating a shared pool of capital to fund strategic investments across borders, and initiatives similar to India's NIIF model with Australia.

  • Future Made in Australia Agreement (FMAA): Signifies bilateral commitment for clean energy, mining technology collaboration between Australia and India.
  • Public finance mechanisms: Utilizing existing funds and capital pools to fund joint investments.
  • Grants & R&D support: Funded by a shared capital pool to promote sustainable energy projects.
  • Private sector engagement: Encourages cross-border strategic investment through incentives and collaboration opportunities.
  • Learning from India's NIIF model: Proposal for a similar fund to boost low-carbon technologies in Australia.

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