Bifacial Panels, Representing 98% Of U.s. Solar Imports, May Soon Be Subject to Tariffs

The Biden Administration is expected to revoke tariff exemptions on bifacial solar modules following a petition led by Qcells, a company with a multi-billion-dollar investment in U.S. manufacturing.
PV Magazine International 6:25 pm on April 18, 2024

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The Biden Administration is expected to revoke the tariff exemption for bifacial solar modules imported into the U.S., following a petition from QCell, a large U.S. solar manufacturer. This could lead to higher module prices for U.S. projects and potential new antidumping and countervailing duty tariffs on modules from countries like India.

  • Biden Administration plans to revoke tariff exemption for bifacial solar modules
  • Petition led by QCell, a major U.S. solar manufacturer
  • QCell announced $2.5 billion investment in U.S. operations, making it the first fully integrated silicon-based solar supply chain in the U.S.
  • Revoking the exemption could lead to higher prices for U.S. projects and potential new tariffs on modules from countries like India
  • U.S. module transactions have slowed as industry waits to see what happens with tariffs in late April

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