Eskom Launches Tender to Build 75 Mw Solar Project at Coal Plant

Utility Eskom is seeking proposals to build a 75 MW solar plant at the Lethabo Power Station in South Africa's Free State province.
PV Magazine International 6:25 pm on April 18, 2024

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Eskom, South Africa's state-owned power utility, has launched a tender to build a 75 MW solar farm near its Lethabo Power Station. The project will be a single PV facility and could include both fixed-tilt mounting structures and single-axis trackers. The selected bidder will be responsible for design, engineering, supply, construction, installation, testing, commissioning, and maintenance of the solar facility. Developers have until June 4 to submit their proposals.

  • Eskom launches tender for a 75 MW solar project at Lethabo Power Station in South Africa
  • Single PV facility, may include fixed-tilt and single-axis trackers
  • Selected bidder will handle design, engineering to maintenance
  • Developers have until June 4 to submit proposals
  • Project near RWB Lethabo Substation in Free State province

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