Bw Ideol Unveils Market Ready Concrete Floating Wind Platform

Wind Power News 5:47 am on May 5, 2024

BW Ideol, a France-based floating wind foundation supplier, has unveiled its standard concrete floating foundation and a blueprint for mass production to drive down market costs. The universal foundation is optimized for all meteocean conditions and compatible with all 15MW+ wind turbines. By adopting an approach similar to wind turbine manufacturers, BW Ideol aims to offer a single, standard product suitable for all geographies and turbines. The new manufacturing blueprint enables one floating foundation to be produced each week with minimal harbor requirements.

  • BW Ideol introduces standard concrete floating foundation and mass production blueprint
  • Universal floating foundation optimized for all meteocean conditions, compatible with all 15MW+ wind turbines
  • Approach mimics wind turbine manufacturers to offer single, standard product
  • One floating foundation produced weekly with minimal harbor requirements
  • Manufacturing blueprint ensures lean manufacturing, digitalization, and reduced carbon footprint

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