Avaada Energy Wins 250 Mw Solar Wind Hybrid Tender With $0.042/kwh Bid

Avaada Energy has won NTPC's 250 MW solar-wind hybrid tender with a winning bid of $0.042/kWh. The project must be connected to India's Inter State Transmission System (ISTS).
PV Magazine International 8:19 pm on April 18, 2024

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Avaada Energy has won a 250 MW solar-wind hybrid power project tender by NTPC in India with a competitive tariff of INR 3.47 ($0.042)/kWh. The project must be connected to the Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) and will supply power under a 25-year power purchase agreement.

  • Avaada Energy wins 250 MW solar-wind hybrid tender by NTPC in India
  • Project tariff: INR 3.47 ($0.042)/kWh
  • Must be connected to the Inter State Transmission System (ISTS)
  • Supplies power under a 25-year power purchase agreement
  • Project completion period: 24 months


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