Researchers Design 31% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cell Based on Calcium Nitrogen Iodide

An international team has demonstrated a perovskite solar cell relying on inorganic calcium nitrogen iodide (Ca3NI3) perovskite and has found this absorber material offers advantages such as tunable bandgap and resistance to heat. The device achieved a fill factor of 81.68%.
PV Magazine International 8:19 pm on April 18, 2024

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A team of researchers led by the Begum Rokeya University in Bangladesh has designed a 31.31%-efficient perovskite solar cell using calcium nitrogen iodide (Ca3NI3) as the absorber material. Ca3NI3 offers advantages such as a tunable bandgap and resistance to heat, making it suitable for solar cells. The researchers simulated the new cell design using SCAPS-1D software and achieved a fill factor of 81.68%. The enhanced efficiency is attributed to the optimized absorber thickness and layer width. However, increasing absorber thickness may lead to higher production costs. The research was published in Optics Communications and involved scientists from Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, China, and Nepal.

  • Researchers at Begum Rokeya University in Bangladesh have developed a 31.31%-efficient perovskite solar cell using calcium nitrogen iodide (Ca3NI3) as the absorber material
  • Ca3NI3 is preferred for solar cells due to its possible stability, variable bandgap, and effective light absorption
  • The simulation of the novel cell configuration achieved a fill factor of 81.68% under standard illumination conditions
  • Thickness enhancement increases efficiency but may lead to higher production costs due to carrier recombination issues
  • Research was published in Optics Communications and involved scientists from Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, China, and Nepal

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