Atlas Reveals Solar Energy Potential in Germany

Solar Energy News 4:16 am on June 6, 2024

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The website, launched by DLR, displays solar expansion potential for areas down to municipal levels based on individual buildings' data unavailable publicly; other research includes floating photovoltaic panels powering electricity needs and global analysis of low-carbon floating solar arrays.

  • Launch of EOSolar.DLR.DE: DLR's website provides expansion potential information down to municipal levels, using individual buildings' data that isn't publicly available yet.
  • Floating Solar Panels Research: Study shows countries could fulfill electricity demands with floating solar panel installations.
  • Global Floating Solar Analysis: Investigation on the potential of low-carbon, floatable PV arrays worldwide to generate sufficient power for nations' needs.
  • Technological Advances in Bioenergy and Nuclear Waste Management: Innovations include chicken fat transformed into capacitor components and AI-enhanced nuclear waste scanning before disposal.

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