Colbn Proposes 800 Mw Ocean Powered Pumped Storage Project in Chile

Chilean utility ColbĂșn has unveiled plans for a massive pumped storage hydropower project in northern ChileChilean utility ColbĂșn has unveiled plans for a massive pumped storage hydropower project in northern Chile.
PV Magazine International 4:16 am on June 6, 2024

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Colbn proposes an 800 MW ocean-powered pumped storage project in northern Chile using desalinated Pacific Ocean water for energy storage and release. This initiative, if approved, would be the first of its kind based on a closed recirculation system of desalinated water, providing clean, sustainable power to nearly half a million households.

  • Key Highlights:
  • Colbn's proposal for a 800MW pumped storage hydropower project in northern Chile.
  • Utilizes desalinated water from the Pacific Ocean to store and release energy.
  • Expected to serve as an alternative approach, offering clean and sustainable power supply to half a million households.
  • Environmental Impact Study submitted for approval.

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