At Heart Its the Same Technology: the Heat Pump That Uses Water Instead Of Air

Equipment being trialled in Scotland extracts warmth from nearby water sources to provide homes with heating
The Guardian Renewable Energy 4:16 am on June 6, 2024

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In Scotland, Edinburgh University developed SeaWarm and RiverWar systems to heat homes using nearby water sources. They can utilize seawater up to 500 meters away from the building, extracting warmth more efficiently than traditional air source pumps but with initial higher costs. These small-scale green energy solutions could replace gas or oil heating as the UK transitions towards zero carbon energy.

  • Water Heat Technology: Edinburgh's university prototypes harness ambient water temperatures to heat homes.
  • System Types: Includes SeaWarm, RiverWar, and similar ground-source heat pumps.
  • Energy Efficiency: The technology delivers 350-400% more energy than electricity consumed for operation.
  • Zero Carbon Transition: These innovations contribute to the UK's shift from gas and oil-based heating systems.

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