A Closer Look at Cea Ines' Timber Framed Silicon Heterojunction Solar Module With 22.57% Efficiency

The French research institute presented in a scientific paper the technical details of its recyclable heterojunction
PV Magazine International 12:53 pm on May 23, 2024

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CEA-INES has developed a 22.57% efficiency silicon heterojunction solar module with an environmental carbon footprint of just 313kgCO2eq/kW, using a recyclable timber frame and reduced material usage for optimal performance and sustainability.

  • Research institution: France's National Solar Energy Institute (INES) at CEA.
  • Module design features: 22.57% efficiency silicon heterojunction, recyclable timber frame, reduced material consumption.
  • Environmental impact: Reduced carbon footprint of just 313kgCO2eq/kW, emphasizing sustainability.
  • Optimization focus: Balancing environmental impact with module performance and durability through technical parameter optimization and material selection.

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