Golf Courses Consume More Land Than Pv in Germany

Christian Victor, an X (formerly Twitter) user, has published a new map showing land consumption in GermanyChristian Victor, an X (formerly Twitter) user, has published a new map showing land consumption in Germany.
PV Magazine International 12:53 pm on May 23, 2024

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The map published by Christian Victo illustrates that, as of May 2, 2024, golf courses consume more land than solar and wind energy systems combined in Y. The data is primarily sourced from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) and the Federal Environment Agency. This information raises questions about optimal land use for renewable energy projects.

  • Land consumption comparison:
  • Christian Victo's map revelation:
  • Source data sourcing:
  • Implications for renewable energy:
  • Call for reconsidered land allocation policies:

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