Australia Targets 20% Market Share With Domestic Solar Module Manufacturing

Australian Energy Minister Chris Bowen says the federal government's AUD 1 billion ($662Australian Energy Minister Chris Bowen says the federal government's AUD 1 billion ($662.
PV Magazine International 12:53 pm on May 23, 2024

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The Australian government committed AUD 1 billion to the Solar Sunshot initiative, aiming to support domestic solar panel manufacturing and supply chain development. The goal is for Australia to meet its future renewable energy targets by increasing local production of panels to cover 20% of the nation's needs within a decade.

  • Government Funding: AUD 1 billion allocated to Solar Sunshot initiative.
  • Local Manufacturing Goal: Target of achieving 20% domestic solar panel production within a decade.
  • Solar Industry Growth: Investment to support growth in the Australian solar industry and supply chain.
  • Renewable Energy Targets: Support for meeting future renewable energy targets through increased local production of panels.
  • Solar Storage Solution: Hydrogen Hub highlighting the integration of solar power and hydrogen technology.

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