“this Country Is So Much Better Than Him”

2GreenEnergy.com 8:04 pm on May 14, 2024

Craig Shields of 2GreenEnergy Media argues against claims that some countries are better than the US in clean energy. Despite Trump's election win, Presidential candidacy, and controversy, Shields believes intelligence should not support such a viewpoint. The article encourages understanding clean energy industry challenges through "Renewable Energy: Facts & Fantasies" by Craig Shields.

  • Main Argument: Rejecting the notion that other countries outperform America in renewable energy, despite political controversy surrounding Trump.
  • Resource Mentioned: "Renewable Energy: Facts & Fantasies" book by Craig Shields.
  • Industry Challenges: Addressing the complex issues within the clean energy sector.
  • Public Opinion Mentioned: A significant portion of Americans support Trump, highlighting varied political views on renewable energy.
  • Author's Background: Craig Shields is an environmental journalist with expertise in clean energy and associated businesses.
Category Selection: - Renewable policy and incentives - Hydrogen

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