Intelligence and Character 8:04 pm on May 14, 2024

Craig Shields of emphasizes the importance of intelligence and character in the renewable energy industry, showcasing insights through his book "Renewable Energy: Facts and Fantasies." He provides information on various clean energy topics including biofuels, biomass, climate change, solar thermal, sustainable building, wind, wave, and tidal power.

  • Book Launch: Craig Shields presents "Renewable Energy Facts and Fantasies," focusing on industry challenges.
  • Industry Insight: Covering topics from renewables to clean energy technologies, biofuels, biomass, etc.
  • Educational Resource: A free report and infographics available on website.
  • Community Engagement: Guest blogging, webinars, volunteers contributing to the renewable energy dialogue.
  • Language Accessibility: Availability of content in Spanish for broader audience outreach.

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