World Bank Seeks Study Of Pumped Storage in Sapp

News - Hydropower 4:56 am on April 30, 2024

The World Bank is seeking a consultancy firm to conduct a study on the role and economic viability of pumped storage in the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP). The objectives are to assess costs, benefits, and value in terms of energy security, climate resilience, and facilitating a low carbon transition. Firms interested must provide proof of relevant experience in hydropower and pumped-storage hydropower within the last 10 years, particularly related to power sector planning.

  • World Bank invites expressions of interest for analytical study on pumped storage in SAPP
  • Objectives are to assess conceptual role and economic viability, identify costs, benefits, and value
  • Consultants must provide proof of relevant experience in hydropower and pumped-storage hydropower within the last 10 years
  • Estimated time for study is 10 calendar months with an estimated number of staff days input at 200-22
  • Focus on identifying role and value in a broader energy sector context, whether as energy generation or service facility

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