What to Do After Installation Of Solar Panels

Discover key steps in this article to take after installing your solar panels to ensure ensuring a smooth transition to
Solaric 11:02 am on May 29, 2024

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After installing solar panels, ensure their visual inspection for damage or debris, add them to home insurance, consistently monitor electricity usage and bills, review changes in energy consumption post-installation, and schedule regular maintenance. Solaric offers comprehensive services for solar panel installations and maintenance.

  • Post-Installation Care:
  • Visual Inspection & Maintenance: Conduct a thorough visual inspection post-installation to ensure the panels are clean and properly installed.
  • Insurance Coverage: Add solar panels to your home insurance policy for liability coverage on these investments, especially in storm-prone countries like the Philippines.
  • Energy Usage Monitoring: Regularly track changes in your energy consumption and bills post-installation to assess efficiency and savings.
  • Professional Maintenance Services: Schedule routine maintenance checks or opt for professional services offered by trusted solar panel suppliers such as Solaric.


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