Pv String Fault Detection Technique Based on Multi Layer Neural Network

Scientists in India have proposed using a multilayer neural network to find line-to-ground, line-to-line, and bypass
PV Magazine International 11:02 am on May 29, 2024

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A multi-layer neural network approach has been proposed for PV string fault detection, with an accuracy of 98.76% in detecting L-G and L-L faults among others. It requires one current sensor per string, is capable of handling varied datasets, and can classify complex relationships.

  • Multi-layer Neural Network Approach: Proposed technique with 98.76% accuracy in PV fault detection.
  • Sensor Requirement: A single current sensor is needed per string for implementation.
  • Data Variability Handling: Tested across multiple datasets with diverse conditions (temperature, irradiance, and power output).
  • Complexity Management: Manages complex relationships using a hierarchical learning representation.
  • Comparison to Existing Techniques: Higher than previous techniques such as PNN (96.5%), RBF (92.1%), and CNN (90%).
Category selection: Solar support: "Solar" category as it discusses a novel technique for detecting faults in photovoltaic systems, which is directly related to solar energy technology and innovation.

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