Wa's Workplace Ev Charging Grants Ending Soon

Small and medium businesses in Western Australia keen to grab a grant to install an EV charger will need to get crackingSmall and medium businesses in Western Australia keen to grab a grant to install an EV charger will need to get cracking.
Solar Quotes Blog 11:36 pm on June 4, 2024

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The Western Australian government introduced grants for workplace EV chargers, offering 50% cost coverage up to a $12,476 cap. Applicants must have an approved charger and subscription-based software signed up. Posted: July 28th, 2019.

  • Western Australian workplace EV charging grants with specifications for eligibility.
  • Subscription-based solar charger software must be approved and a user account is required.
  • Grant covers 50% of the cost up to $12,476 per business; post submission of equipment details within two years.
  • Assessment includes environmental benefits and second-hand EV market impact evaluation by DMIRS over five years.


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