Doe to Study Public Attitudes Toward Siting Large Scale Solar Projects

Solar developers say community opposition is among the top causes of project cancellations and that it has ramped up in
Solar Power World 11:36 pm on June 4, 2024

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The Department of Energy (DOE) accelerates solar deployment, funding science, supporting siting and permitting for large-scale renewables via state collaboratives. Solar Power World editor Kelsey Misbrener oversees this effort.

  • Funding Renewable Energy: DOE invests in solar deployment, focusing on social science research and infrastructure planning assistance for local communities.
  • State-Level Collaboration: Investment also extends to state-based groups that aid localities with permitting for large-scale renewable projects.
  • Industry Expertise: Kelsey Misbrener brings over seven years of expertise in the solar energy field.
  • Public Engagement: The article invites reader feedback and submissions on solar-related content through an online form.

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