Visiting the Little Known Chinese Controller Maker Behind the Biggest E Bikes: Lishui Factory Tour

On a recent trip to China, I visited a wide range of companies and factories in the micromobility industry. Many...
Electrek 6:57 pm on May 24, 2024

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Micah Toll explores Lishui, China's leading e-bike controller manufacturer, revealing their innovative production process and unique factory setup. The company produces high-quality controllers for major brands through dedicated soldering, assembly, testing, and a culture of shared workspaces.

  • Company Overview:
  • Production Process: Lishui's extensive in-house facilities cover assembly, hand soldering, potting material application, and rigorous inspections.
  • Factory Environment: The factory boasts a garden oasis with Mr. Xu cultivating edible plants alongside the workspace.
  • Workforce Atmosphere: A shared dining area and an egalitarian ethos among staff contribute to positive working morale.
  • Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing ensures each product's conformity and performance before delivery, signifying their dedication to quality.

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