Tesla Launches New $2,500 Lunar Grey on Model S and Model X

Tesla has launched a rare new paint color, Lunar Grey, as a $2,500 option on new Model S and Model...
Electrek 6:57 pm on May 24, 2024

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On May 24, Tesla introduced a new Lunar Grey color for its Model S and Model X at an added cost of $500. This limited option expands the previously restricted paint choices aimed to streamline production and improve order matching.

  • <h2>Lunar Grey Launch</h2>
  • <h3>Tesla's New Premium Color Option for Model S and X</h3>
  • <h3>$500 Additional Cost for Lunar Grey on Teslas</h3>
  • <h3>Paint Color Expansion in the Model S and X Lineup</h3>
  • <h2>Potential Market Impact</h2>


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