Vermont Utility Approved for 5 Mw Energy Storage Project

Not-for-profit public utility Morrisville Water and Light (MWL) is bolstering its grid reliability after the unanimous
Solar Power World 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Vermont utility approves 5-MW energy storage project with Encore Renewable Energy, promising grid reliability improvements through a battery system that will provide substantial capacity and participate in various market mechanisms. The partnership exemplifies local leadership in clean energy transition while optimizing costs during peak demand times.

  • Energy Storage Project: Vermont utility's approval of a significant battery storage system by Encore Renewable Energy.
  • Grid Reliability: The project supports grid stability through voltage spike absorption and peak demand reduction capabilities.
  • Market Participation: Incorporates energy arbitrage, frequency regulation markets, and capacity markets to maximize benefits.
  • Cost Optimization: Allows for cost-effective operation during peak demand periods via stored power.
  • Local Leadership: Demonstrates Vermont's commitment to advancing the clean energy transition within its jurisdiction.

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