Fisker Files Bankruptcy Equivalent in Austria to Gain ‘breathing Room' Amid Ocean Production Halt

It has been a turbulent couple of months since Fisker Inc. posted its Q4 2023 financial report and relayed concerns...
Electrek 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Fisker Inc.'s Austrian division files for bankruptcy-like reorganization amid halting Ocean EV production, aiming to gain time for a possible investor acquisition. This comes after sales issues and reduced demand post the initial launch of its flagship Ocean SUV model. Meanwhile, Magna Steyr is expected to lay off employees as it faces significant financial challenges due to this situation.

  • Austrian Division's Reorganization:
  • Economic Impact on Magna Steyr:
  • Ocean EV Production Halt:
  • Investor Acquisition Hopes:
  • Sales Decline and Demand Reduction:

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