Vermont Legislature Passes 100% Renewable Energy Bill

On May 7, the Vermont Senate passed HOn May 7, the Vermont Senate passed H.
Solar Power World 4:22 pm on May 7, 2024

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Vermont Senate passes bill, mandating renewables by 2035 to combat climate change. Renewable Energy Vermont sees this as a monumental step towards energy security and job creation in the clean energy sector. The legislation is designed to meet greenhouse gas reduction goals and position Vermont as a national leader.

  • Bill Passage: Vermont's Senate approved H.28, mandating renewables by 2035.
  • Environmental Impact: The bill aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and establish clean energy jobs.
  • Legislative Goals: To meet the Global Warming Solutions Act's legal mandates for climate change reduction.
  • State Leadership: Position Vermont as a national leader in renewable energy adoption.
  • Public-Private Partnership: Developed through years of collaboration between developers and utilities.
Renewable policy and incentives

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