Global Solar Manufacturing Sector Now at 50% Utilization Rate, Says Iea

The International Energy Agency (IEA) says that global solar cell and module manufacturing capacity grew by around 550
PV Magazine International 4:22 pm on May 7, 2024

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The IEA reported that the global solar cell and module manufacturing sector operates at 50% capacity utilization, with China dominating the market. Despite increasing demand, signs of stockpiling suggest potential downscaling in planned expansion, particularly in China. New investments have surged, leading to a supply-driven price drop but leaving minor gaps for manufacturing stages.

  • IEA Reports Low Capacity Utilization and Market Concentration
  • Increased Investments Boost Supply, but Suggest Potential Downscaling
  • Stockpiling of Solar PV Modules Observed Worldwide
  • Manufacturing Gaps Persist for Wafer and Polysilicon Stages
  • Solar PV Manufacturing Costs Continue to Decline with New Plants

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