Veolia Breaks Ground on 1 Mw Solar Installation for Wastewater Treatment Plant in Arvin, Calif.

Discover the environmental and economic benefits of Veolia's 1 MW solar energy installation for the wastewater treatment
Solar Builder Magazine 12:26 am on June 3, 2024

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Veolia has commenced construction of a 1 MW solar installation for Arvi's wastewater treatment facility in California. Financed through municipal and federal funds, this project aligns with Veolia's GreenUp strategy to advance sustainability goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs while contributing to the city's long-term environmental conservation efforts.

  • Partnership with Arvi City:
  • 1 MW Solar Installation Initiative:
  • Financing through Municipal and Federal Funds:
  • Veolia's GreenUp Strategy Alignment:
  • Energy Cost Reduction and Environmental Benefits for Arvi City:

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