Totalenergies Celebrates 4.6 Mw Project for East Bay Municipal Utility District

Explore how TotalEnergies and EBMUD are partnering to supply clean solar energy through the Orinda PV project in OaklandExplore how TotalEnergies and EBMUD are partnering to supply clean solar energy through the Orinda PV project in Oakland.
Solar Builder Magazine 12:26 am on June 3, 2024

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TotalEnergies inaugurates the Orinda PV solar project for East Bay Municipal Utility District, providing a 4.6 MW capacity and reducing greenhouse emissions by offering clean energy to EBMUD customers while ensuring profitability through long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA).

  • Investment: TotalEnergies invests in the Orinda Photovoltaic Solar Energy Project for EBMUD.
  • Capacity & Impact: The 4.6 MW project supplies approximately 10 million kWh/year of clean energy, offsetting a significant portion of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Trackers & Panel Technology: High-efficiency panels with single-axis trackers maximize production on the site.
  • Aesthetic Considerations: The design minimizes visual impact through vegetative screening, aligning with nature trails and reservoir views.
  • Energy Cost Savings & Grid Interconnection: EBMUD is expected to save 10% on energy costs while benefiting from the RES-BCT program for grid interconnection.
Category Selection: Solar Explanation: The summary and bullet points revolve around a large solar project developed by TotalEnergies, which clearly fits into the "Solar" category.

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