Union Urges Labour Not to Ban New North Sea Licences Without Plan for Jobs

Unite launches bid to persuade Keir Starmer to invest more in north-east Scotland
The Guardian Renewable Energy 4:43 pm on May 20, 2024

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The UK Labour party faced criticism for planning not to issue new North Sea oil licences, despite acknowledging the necessity of transitioning away from fossil fuels. Unions and environmentalists warned about potential job losses while urging a comprehensive plan that considers workers' futures in clean energy industries.

  • Policy Change: Labour pledged not to issue new oil drilling licences but faced union concerns over the transition.
  • Economic Impact: Estimates suggest North Sea jobs are declining, with around 20,000 directly and indirectly supported by the sector.
  • Worker Transition: There's an emphasis on protecting workers during the energy transition to lower-carbon industries.
  • Comparative Analysis: Critics cite past government failures in providing a future plan for oil industry communities.
  • Environmental Commitment: The Labour party commits to significant investments in the North Sea while striving for energy independence and lower costs.

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