Uk Smart Meter Rollout Is Slowing Down

The latest smart meter installation data for Great Britain reveals a slowdown in deploymentThe latest smart meter installation data for Great Britain reveals a slowdown in deployment.
PV Magazine International 3:16 pm on June 6, 2024

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UK smart meter rollout slows down: Suppliers tasked with installing meters in two-thirds of households by end-2025. Deployment declined since 2020, with current installations at 38% completion across Great Britain. Failure to meet targets may result in penalties for energy suppliers.

  • Meter Rollout Delay: UK's smart meter installation slows down, falling short of the target.
  • Decreased Deployment: Installation rates have significantly decreased since their peak in 2020.
  • Penalties at Stake: Energy suppliers face potential penalties for not meeting the smart meter rollout deadlines.
  • Current Progress: Around 38% of homes in Great Britain have been fitted with advanced meters, short of the national target.

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