U.s. Scientists Develop Air Bridge Thermophotovoltaic Cells With 44% Efficiency

PV Magazine International 12:34 pm on May 27, 2024

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** Researchers have developed an advanced photovoltaic cell that employs a free-standing semiconductor membrane, an air layer, and backside reflectance to significantly enhance efficiency. The 0.90 eV absorber bandgap achieved the highest power conversion rate of 43.8% at 375C, indicating potential for over 50% in future improvements. This technology could lead to significant gains in round-trip efficiency and passive energy storage capabilities without lithium mining or specific water sources, offering an advantage over traditional methods.

  • Photovoltaic Cell Design: Researchers created a cell with air gap for enhanced backside reflection.
  • Bandgap Efficiency: Achieved 43.8% conversion rate at 375C, highest compared to similar cells.
  • Future Prospects: Potential efficiency above 50%, with improvements in round-trip efficiency.
  • Environmental Impact: Offers passive storage without the need for lithium mining or water sources, unlike conventional methods.
  • Industry Comparison: Outperforms other technologies by integrating a free-standing membrane and conductive electrodes to reduce thermal resistance.

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