India Set to Install 21.2 Gw Of Solar in Fiscal 2025

JMK Research projects that 21.2 GW of new solar capacity will be installed in India in fiscal 2025JMK Research projects that 21.2 GW of new solar capacity will be installed in India in fiscal 2025.
PV Magazine International 12:34 pm on May 27, 2024

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India plans to install 21.2 GW of solar energy, with significant contributions from utility-scale PV (16.5 GW), rooftop PV (4 GW), and off-grid systems (700 MW) in fiscal year 2025. Uma Gupta, a seasoned pv magazine writer, reports on India's solar market developments.

  • Solar Capacity Expansion: India targets installation of 21.2 GW in fiscal 2025.
  • Utility-Scale Solar Leadership: Predominant at 16.5 GW, with rooftop PV and off-grid systems contributing significantly.
  • India's Solar Market Trends: Notable growth in previous years reflected by installations from top developers like Adani Green Energy.
  • Key Figures on the Industry: Uma Gupta, a prominent writer with over 15 years of solar and energy storage reporting experience.
  • Pv Magazine's Role: Provides in-depth coverage of India's renewable sector developments.

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