U.s. Solar Panel Manufacturing Soared in Q1, Report Says

During Q1 2024, 11 GW of new solar module manufacturing capacity came online in the U.S., per the U.SDuring Q1 2024, 11 GW of new solar module manufacturing capacity came online in the U.S., per the U.S.
Solar Industry 10:16 am on June 6, 2024

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During Q1 2023, U.S. solar module manufacturing capacity surged by adding over 11 GW of new production lines, totaling above 26 GW annually and leading to the installation of 11.8 GW in new projects. This growth is attributed to significant federal clean energy investments boosting domestic manufacturing and job creation.

  • Q1 Production Increase:
  • Total Manufacturing Capacity: 26 GW annually
  • New Installations: 11.8 GW Q1 alone
  • Federal Impact: Strengthening the energy economy and community upliftment
Categorized under **Solar**

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