How Starbucks Doubled the Number Of Its 'greener Stores'

The coffee chain's new building standards are now a publicly available training course.
Greenbiz 10:16 am on June 6, 2024

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Starbucks has doubled its number of 'Greener Stores' to almost 17% since April 2022, with an aim for all new stores globally by 2025. The Greener Store framework requires sustainable building practices and independent audits across eight environmental impact areas.

  • Introduction: Starbucks' initiative to double the number of 'Greener Stores'.
  • Framework Requirements: Greener Store criteria involve sustainable construction and independent audits.
  • Achievement Milestone: Aim set for all new Starbucks stores to be Greener Stores by 2025.
  • Environmental Impact Areas: Eight environmental impact areas evaluated during audits.

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