Trump Reportedly Told Oil Execs He'll End Electric Car Incentives for $1 Billion in Donations

Donald Trump has reportedly told oil executives that he will end electric car incentives if they contribute $1 billion
Electrek 7:26 pm on May 9, 2024

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Fred Lambert reportedly discussed with oil executives that Trump would end electric vehicle (EV) incentives if they contributed $1 billion to his campaign. This exchange indicates Trump's opposition to EV policies, potentially impacting environmental regulations and the auto industry's shift toward electrification.

  • Highlighted conversation: Donald Trump allegedly offered oil executives $1 billion incentive for political contributions if he reverses current EV policies.
  • Trump is reported to have a stance against environmental regulations, specifically targeting electric vehicles and wind energy.
  • The potential policy change could affect the US auto industry's transition towards electrification and its global competitiveness.
  • President Bidens administration is currently working on policies that encourage EV adoption.
  • A balance between environmental progress and fossil fuel interests appears to be a point of contention in discussions about future energy and transportation strategies.

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