Big Willy Style! Will Smith Is the Latest Team Owner to Join the E1 Electric Boat Racing Series

Young electric boat racing series E1 continues to garner star power as it continues its inaugural UIM World Championship
Electrek 7:26 pm on May 9, 2024

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Will Smith joins the UIM E1 electric boat racing series, becoming team owner of Westbrook Racing. His roster includes experienced drivers Lucas Ordoez and Sara Price. The inaugural season began in February with the Jeddah GP.

  • Team Ownership: Will Smith owns Westbrook Racing within UIM E1 series.
  • Driver Lineup: Lucas Ordoez and Sara Price are driving for the team, bringing varied motorsport experience.
  • Inaugural Season: The Jeddah GP marked the beginning of UIM E1 in February 2023.
  • Notable Participants: Past team owners include sports icons, ensuring star power and competition at a professional level.
  • Future Events: Westbrook Racing is slated to compete in the Venice G event on May 11-12, 2 Written Summary of Provided Text (Under 100 words) Will Smith joins the UIM E1 electric boat racing series with his team, Westbrook Racing. The inaugural season began in February and features Lucas Ordoez as a driver alongside Sara Price. Notable previous owners include Rafael Nadal, Tom Brady, Sergio Perez, and Virat Kohli.
    • Team Ownership: Will Smith's Westbrook Racing team is part of UIM E1 series.
    • Drivers: Lucas Ordoez and Sara Price form the driving lineup for the team.
    • Series Inception: The Jeddah GP marked the start of UIM E1 in February 2023.
    • Previous Owners: Past owners include sports figures such as Rafael Nadal and Tom Brady.
    • Upcoming Competition: Westbrook Racing is set to compete in the Venice G event on May 11-12, 2024.

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