This ‘supercharger on Wheels' Brings Fast Charging to You

Mobile car care company Yoshi Mobility just launched a DC fast charging EV mobile unit that it likens to "a
Electrek 12:07 am on May 23, 2024

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Michelle Lewis writes about Yoshi Mobility's new DC fast-charging mobile unit, akin to an on-wheels supercharger. It's designed for light-duty EV fleet operators in areas lacking infrastructure and operates the 240kW Zevo 600 vehicles. The company plans full commercialization by Q1 2025 after a funded R&D phase, aiming to provide reliable charging solutions for enterprises needing up to a megawatt of energy per day.

  • Yoshi Mobility's Innovation:
  • Emerging DC Fast Charging Solution:
  • 240kW Zevo 600 Deployment:
  • Target Market: Large-scale EV Operators
  • Funding & Future Plans:

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