Tesla Finally Releases Autopilot Safety Data After More Than a Year

Tesla has finally decided to release its Autopilot safety data report after taking a break of more than a year....
Electrek 12:07 am on May 23, 2024

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Tesla has finally released its Autopilot safety data after over a year's delay, showing improved mileage between accidents in Q1 2024 compared to prior periods. The report compares Autopilot users to non-users but is criticized for not accounting for varying road conditions and lacks transparency due to the timing of release.

  • Delayed Data Release:
  • Improved Safety Metrics: Mileage between accidents increased in Q1 2024 for Autopilot users.
  • Comparative Analysis: Data shows Tesla's vehicles crash less frequently than the average US car without Autopilot.
  • Criticism on Transparency: Release of data raises concerns about inconsistency and lack of full disclosure.
  • Limitation in Reporting: Doesn't include Full Self-Driving software functionalities, impacts comprehensiveness.


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