The Resourceful City: Taking a Circular Approach to Resources

Taking a look at Lansink's waste hierarchy and the circular economy to challenge the 2,000-year-old method of using
Greenbiz 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

The text discusses the evolving waste management practices of future cities, emphasizing a shift towards circular economy principles. It highlights strategies like minimizing waste, reusing materials, and recycling to reduce landfill usage, such as seen in Addis Ababa's Koshe landfill disaster or Rome's struggle with its Malagrott landfill capacity issue.

  • Circular economy adoption: Future cities are integrating circular economy principles to minimize waste and regenerate natural systems.
  • Waste hierarchy adaptation: Circularity enhances traditional waste management hierarchies, aiming for material reuse from the beginning.
  • Resourceful city initiatives: Initiatives to design reuse into materials and improve recycling efficiency are transformative efforts for sustainability.
  • Mandatory resourcefulness: Necessity-driven policies promote circular systems, rejecting linear waste management models like those of ancient Romans.
  • Circular Economy events and partnerships: The article references upcoming industry gatherings such as Circularity 24 and GreenFin 24 for advancing the circular economy agenda.

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