Insurance Companies: Consider Climate Risk Events As “constant Threats” — Cleantechnica Exclusive

To fill the gap in insurance due to climate risk events, agile, scalable, and innovative companies are stepping in.
CleanTechnica 12:25 pm on May 7, 2024

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"Staring down a hurricane," by Astro_Alex, under CC BY-SA 2.0 license, highlights insurers treating climate risks as constant threats, suggesting necessary proactive measures for resilience in extreme weather events like hurricanes (Commented on May 1, 2024).

  • Licensing: CC BY-SA 2.0 licensed content by Astro_Alex.
  • Insurance Perspective: Recognizing climate risks as enduring hazards necessitates a shift towards sustainable risk management in insurance companies.
  • Implication for Policy and Incentives: The text implies the need for evolving renewable policies that encourage industry readiness against natural disasters, though specific measures aren't listed.
  • Time-relevant Commentary: Carolyn Fortuna's comment on May 1, 2024, contextualizes the urgency of adopting such policies in current times.
  • Lack of Direct Connection to Energy Sources: The passage does not explicitly connect to any particular renewable energy source but indicates a broader approach to climate risk mitigation.

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