The Effects Of Waves on Membrane Based Floating Photovoltaics

A research group in China has tested how membrane-based floating PV platforms can operate in offgrid scenariosA research group in China has tested how membrane-based floating PV platforms can operate in offgrid scenarios.
PV Magazine International 12:09 pm on May 13, 2024

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The Chinese research team at Shanghai Jiao Tong University tested a membrane-based floating PV platform's resistance to waves and mechanical stress in offshore applications, identifying critical factors for design and safety.

  • Research on membrane-based floating PV platforms
  • Chinese research team at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Offshore applications, waves resistance and mechanical stress testing
  • Implications for design and safety of floating PV platforms
  • Potential influence on future hydroelastic models and offshore photovoltaic technologies

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