Georgia Seeks Consultants for 6.13 Mw Solar Plant

The authorities in Georgia are soliciting consultants for a 6.13 MW solar plantThe authorities in Georgia are soliciting consultants for a 6.13 MW solar plant.
PV Magazine International 12:09 pm on May 13, 2024

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The Georgian Oil & Gas Corp, with KfW funding, is seeking consultants for a 6.13 MW solar plant feasibility study in Sartichal, Gardabani district, Georgia. Preferred firms should have regional experience across several countries, and the deadline for applications is June 10, 2024.

  • Georgia's Renewable Energy Project
  • KfW-funded consultancy project
  • 6.13 MW solar plant in Sartichal, Gardabani district
  • Preferred firms with regional experience
  • Application deadline: June 10, 2024
  • Potential award of contract by the end of Q3 2024

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