The Worst Feeling in the World 8:18 pm on April 18, 2024

The given text expresses the author's observation on why many people continue to support Trump despite his controversies. It suggests that for Republicans in Congress, their fear of losing their seats keeps them aligned with Trump. For others, they feel used and manipulated, unable to deal with this feeling. The text includes a reference to Carl Sagan and an unrelated article title about the Meat Industry attacking Vegans.

  • The text discusses why people, especially Republicans in Congress, continue supporting Trump despite controversies.
  • For many, they feel used and manipulated by Trump, making it difficult to leave their support.
  • Carl Sagan is mentioned as explaining the situation further.
  • An unrelated article title about the Meat Industry attacking Vegans is included in the post.
  • No renewable energy or related topics are discussed in this text.

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